Monday, September 24, 2012

APOD 1.2

September 12 2012
     Though we learned about Scorpius and it's only trait of note being that it's Zodiacal, we did not learn about the M object that resides within its tail. M7 is a large cluster of stars, so large in fact that it's the largest cluster of stars in the sky that we have found. This cluster contains around 100 stars, all brightly lit with a blue hue. After a bit of research, I found that these stars are known as "Blue Stragglers", and are were formed around the same time as the Milky Way. They spin 2-3 times faster than larger stars, and are formed in groups such as This (also picture). I had no idea such a cluster could be hidden away right in one of the first 2 constellations that we learned about!

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