Sunday, October 21, 2012

APOD 1.6

October 7th 2012

This picture isn't exactly astronomy, but it's still pretty cool and mind blowing. It shows a checkerboard with a cylinder in the top right hand corner, casting a shadow down diagonally on the board. Two squares are lettered, A, and B. A is outside the shadow, and B is directly in its path. At a glance, it appears that A is darker, but they are actually the same color! This is a clear showing that human observations are inadequate for drawing final true conclusions, because if our eyes can be fooled so easily just by colors based on surrounding influences, how can we say for certain that some things in the universe are as we believe at a quick glance? What's really cool though, is if you look for long enough at a single letter (B is faster I've found), then you start to see with your peripherals that they both are in fact the same color without having to see the solution to the puzzle!

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