Sunday, October 21, 2012

Observation 1.1

Astronomy Cast Ep. 271

This episode, entitled "Who Does What in Space?" discusses the many jobs held by scientists who study space, and what exactly they do. The first job they describe is a Fluxual Mechanic, which is a scientist that studies how stars pass one another and who perform equations relating to astronomy. They then transition over to describing Astromotritists, which are scientists that actually measure space. More specifically, they precisely measure where things are, and plan coordinate systems. Later on, they discuss Astro-biology, which is the study of life in space. While their field is still important, they are a branch of scientists who don't study known solid objects, but theoretical life forms that could exist in the cosmos. This taught me a lot about the different jobs that available related to the universe, I never knew the options were so varied, and so amazing!

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